Chris and Angie Brown, along with 13 adults, founded Ridge Church (a non-denominational church) in the Charlotte Metro area. In 2008, after about two years of core gatherings, Ridge Church officially launched to the public with a dream of introducing lost sons and daughters to Jesus, partnering with families and the next generations, and serving the marginalized within our community and our world.
Chris and Angie have been married for over 26 years and have 4 children. Chris (originally from Athens, GA) and Angie (originally from Charlotte, NC) met as freshmen at Liberty University, and have served in ministry since that time. Chris also holds a Master’s Degree in Theology from Columbia Biblical Seminary and serves as the primary teaching pastor for Ridge Church.
Chris and Angie are also founders of the innovative approach to church and community integration called the Nexus Project, and co-founders of FOR Kids Preschool.
“WE ARE passionate to see God’s Kingdom grow in the city of Charlotte that we love so dearly. By God’s grace, we hope to lead a church that one day can be handed off to the next generation in even better shape, with more influence. We would love for you to be a part of the journey!”
– Chris Brown

Jim Funari
Executive Pastor of Operations & Next Gen Ministry

Chris Collins
Director of Connections

Christel Harvey
Children's Ministry Coordinator

Angie Brown
Environment & Children's Ministry Coordinator

Stephanie Miller
Children's Ministry Associate

Chris Lee
Production & Creative Arts Coordinator