Ridge Church is known in our community for its generosity to those in need, making a difference in peoples lives, and coming alongside of other nonprofits doing good work; and we can do so much more together in the days to come. Over the past 24 months, we have seen incredible growth that presents both opportunities and challenges, including several over capacity environments. The purpose of RIDGE THRIVE is to ensure that Ridge Church is thriving in every way, including financially, before we take on an expansion project. The Town of Matthews has already approved preliminary site plans, and we have an opportunity like never before to create a thriving church.

1. Become a percentage giver
Pick a percentage of your income and give that amount on a regular basis.
2. Increase your percentage giving
If you are already a percentage giver, consider taking a next step by increasing that percentage by 2% or more.
3. Automate the important
Creating a recurring gift ensures that your gift is at work even while you’re on family vacations.
Life change happens in our city every week because people like you live generous lives and entrust us with resources that make an impact. Imagine what could happen if we all jump in and do our part! Our city would look like a different place.
Generosity encompasses more than just financial contributions. The way we use our time, energy, and abilities all demonstrate a generous life. It’s living out your faith on more days than Sunday.
The FOR Fund is specifically designed to meet two needs in our community. To engage and equip the next generation and to impact the lives of the marginalized in our community.
We’ve seen first hand the impact of your generosity. It enables us to create environments where people can follow Jesus and impact our city. we see it as we serve along side our community partners, like Piney Grove Elementary School and FOR Students. We see it as kids learn about God in fun and engaging environments. We see it as students make decisions to follow Jesus at Beach Camp.
Take a look at the incredible things happening because you choose generosity.